
How An Emotional Support Animal Changed My Life

I have a friend whose panic attacks are and then severe that they once triggered a seizure. Sonja was, understandably, hesitant to travel — afraid that the little stresses forth the mode would turn into a large medical emergency. That is, until a small, friendly dog named Montecristo entered her life, helped her manage that feet, and, in her ain words, "gave me back the joys of travel and beingness off medication."

My ain story is like. When I met my canis familiaris, Luna, I was in the throes of a deep and dangerous depression. My doc put me on antidepressants because I wanted to die. I don't think I would take harmed myself, only I had started secretly hoping that the universe would do the job for me. That a bus would hitting me or I'd accidentally overdose or only that I'd exist allowed to exit the globe quietly and gracefully, to just erase myself.

Then there was Luna. Tiny, curious, energetic Luna, whose joy over playing with a hand towel was immense and contagious. Luna fabricated me laugh when no one could brand me laugh. The simple act of petting her eased the pressure level in my breast, the impending panic assail.

Luna didn't erase my depression. I wasn't magically improve from that day on. Just she gave me moments of joy, pinpricks of lite at the end of the tunnel where I hadn't seen whatsoever before.

The most important affair Luna did for me, though, is make me stop thinking almost dying. Considering even on the very darkest, hardest days, Luna needed me. I was responsible not simply for my ain life, but for the life of some other — another that I loved desperately and who needed me just every bit much as I needed her.

I did a thousand other things to pull myself out of depression, to make life better, to learn to beloved myself, to learn to manage my anxiety. But Luna is the one thing that could always get me out of bed and to work, even when I wanted nothing more to sleep forever.

Both Luna and my friend's dog are emotional support animals (ESAs), a title that, in the United States, gives the states a few benefits: First, that no U.S. landlord can deny us housing with our dogs and, 2d, that U.S.-based airlines must allow us to fly with our dogs in-cabin with no fee.

Considering of these benefits, ESAs can depict a lot of criticism. I've heard people say that if we're such big babies and can't fly without our pets, maybe we shouldn't fly at all. Other people say that we should popular a Xanax (why is medication always the reply?). Still others gyre their eyes and call u.s.a. fakers, selfish, system-players. They don't believe that there is such a affair as an invisible disability. I've even been called a "twat."

Which is why I want to tell my story, why I want y'all to know how Luna saved me, why I want you to know that I might not be hither today if Luna had not entered my life. In that location's a big misconception in America, that ESAs are for people who become nervous in flying. That people demand to man up and simply face their fear of flight.

But that'southward non what ESAs are.

Merely like full-fledged service animals, ESAs are well-nigh the freedom and wellness of a disabled person. They are about assuasive someone with an invisible inability the same freedom — to visit their families, motion beyond the country, or simply detect a place to live — that is afforded to people who have never had to experience the depths of depression or anxiety attacks that led to seizures.

Because of her domestic dog, my friend has traveled the world, sailed in the Mediterranean, and been able to stop taking medication.

Because of my dog, I am not only live, merely am living my life to the fullest. I travel the world. I own my own business. I've establish ways to brand my feet and low smaller, more than manageable, and hopefully someday gone altogether.

Just like therapy, doctors, medications, do, massage, etc., ESAs are a tool to manage an invisible inability. These dogs (and cats) have changed a lot of lives. In ways much bigger than yous could imagine.

So, as I have many times earlier, I send a whispered thank you lot into the heaven for Luna and all the dogs (and cats) like her who have made life possible, bearable, and fifty-fifty joyful for those of us who struggle. And I hope that by telling my story, I can start to create merely a niggling more than clarity, compassion, and agreement almost what ESAs actually are and how very much we need them in the world.

Do you have an emotional back up animal? How has he changed your life? Let us know in the comments!

Learn more about dogs with Dogster:

  • The 10 Naughtiest Domestic dog Breeds
  • The World's Most Popular Dog Names for 2013
  • v Myths Virtually Dog Beliefs That Often Atomic number 82 to Tragedy

Read more than by Gigi on ESAs and traveling with your domestic dog:

  • Q&A: How I Travel Internationally with a Large Dog
  • United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland Denied Me Entry for Traveling with My Dog, an Emotional Support Brute
  • The v Stages of Dog Jet Lag
  • The Beginner's Guide to Flying Internationally with Your Domestic dog
  • Three Unexpected Benefits of Traveling with a Canis familiaris

About the writer: Gigi Griffis is a world-traveling entrepreneur and writer with a special love for inspiring stories, new places, and living in the moment. In May 2012, she sold her stuff and took to the road with a growing business organization and a pint-sized pooch. Yous can follow her adventures at or friend her on Facebook.


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