
How To Become A Gardener Neopets

Spring has Sprung

by horserider12302

OUTSIDE IN THE FRESH AIR - It's that time of year again. That time when, after enduring endless snowstorms, freezing temperatures, and the traditional cold and flu, you can finally pack away your winter clothes and go outside with your pets for a breath of fresh air. Yes, it's Spring, ladies and gentlemen! You and your pets are now able to do something other than read old issues of the Neopian Times and whine to each other about how bored you are! But now you wonder: What CAN we do?

Well, I have created this guide to Spring activities that will keep you and your pets active and happy throughout this season. Best of all, this guide can be used for the summer, too!

1. Plant a garden

Does your Neogarden look a bit drab after the long winter? Why not liven it up with some new flowers? The Gardening shop has a wide variety of flowers, trees, and plants to suit your tastes. If you want, you could give your garden a Spring theme. Here are my picks of plants that will make your Neogarden bright and cheery:

Colour Lilies

Kau Slips

Kougra Lily

Peabeanjay Flowers

Pink Lily

Rose Tree

Scented Hearts Flower

Snap Draik

Sunday Bush

Star of Paradise Flower


Wocky Glove

Now, get out there and plant! Make sure to include your pets while you're gardening. Have them place the flowers into the holes you've dug, or have them design how the garden will look. Better yet, give each pet their own little section of the garden that they can plant in as they please.

2. Spring Cleaning

You've finished gardening, so you go inside to get some water. As you walk in, you notice that the Neohome has become a bit ...cluttered. So what do you do? Get out the garbage cans and rubber gloves and clean the entire house until it sparkles! Assign a job to each of your pets(one picks up toys, one dusts, one throws away the moldy food, etc.) then have each of them go to a different room. You'll work your way through each of the rooms until the entire house is clean. When you're finished, go to the Money Tree and donate the items you don't want, but are still in good condition. One pet's trash is another pet's treasure!

3. Go on a Picnic

Everyone loves a picnic, so take your pets on one! Have all your pets decide together what gets put in the picnic basket, then, if they want to, have your pets make some of the food. (This might not be a good idea if you have baby pets.) As to where you'll go on your picnic, it can be anywhere, from a secluded little grove in the forest to the back yard of your Neohome. Bring some games along if you'd like. (Your pets could pick these too.)

4. Go Shopping!

Shopping is a great way to get out in the Springtime air and stretch your legs. Even if you don't buy anything, it's a great way to bond with your pets. Go around to all the different stores and look at the products. Don't just go to the main shops, take a trip to the Marketplace, where you'll find a humongous selection of items for sale, from Bruce Plushies to Bottled Faeries. Who knows, you might find a great deal on a rare item! And if you get hungry, it's just a short walk to Pizzaroo or Hubert's Hot Dog Stand.

Now, some of you are saying "Well, I would love to shop, but Macho_he_man28597 doesn't like to," Never fear, just tell your pet that shopping is a great way to exercise those leg muscles for the Battledome. Also, take your pet to the Battle and Defense Magic shops, where I'm sure a pumped up pet would love to go. Soon they'll stop saying "Shopping is for girls!" and start begging you to buy them a Snappy Poogle Keyring Thingy.

5. Play with your Petpets

After the long, cold, winter, your Petpets are pawing at the door to your Neohome, eager to go outside. And who can blame them? I wouldn't want to be cooped up in a stuffy Neohome all winter either. Now that it's Spring, this is a perfect time to get your little darlings off the Kauvara couch and running around. Take them for a walk around the neighborhood, or for a swim. The new Petpet Supplies shop just opened, why don't you drop a few Neopoints for a new scratching post or ball? Or if you feel like doing something really extravagant, give a petpetpet to your petpet. Petpetpets come in all kinds of shapes and sizes and since they nest in your Petpet's fur, the two can always play together if your pet doesn't feel up to it. Lastly, if you think you can handle it, organize a Petpet daycare! Your Petpets will love to play and socialize with other Petpets, and it will be fun for you, too.

6. Battledome, anyone?

Nothing says Spring more than laying the smack down on your opponent with your Usul Tea Whip! This activity is for all you fighting pets who haven't gotten a chance to stretch their legs (or fins) in the Battledome all winter. So here's what you can do: Get your pet on a training schedule. They can't just jump into the Battledome and face the Space Faerie (or anyone else) without some proper conditioning. Exercise, take walks, practice on Punchbag Bob. Then, go and buy some new weapons! You and your pet will have fun buying weapons, customizing, and training. Then, once you're in the Battledome, start out with the weaker opponents. Doing this warms your pet up for stronger opponents, like, say, the Snowager. Before you know it, your pet will be up to top form.

7. Go Berry Picking

Take your pets on a trip! Going berry picking (at Meri Acres Farm or elsewhere) is a great way to spend time with your pets and get baskets of delicious berries. Make up games while you're berry picking, such as having races to see who can pick the most berries, or assign each of your pets a certain berry to pick. You could also go flower picking using these same activities.

Well, I hope you have enjoyed my guide of fun Springtime activities. There are even more things to do in Spring, so make something up or have your pets think of something to do. Have fun doing all these activities! This is horserider12302, saying, See you next time! (Goes off to frolic in the flowers)

How To Become A Gardener Neopets


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